Why do you send merchandise? You should just put it towards the cause! 09 January 2024 03:45 Updated The reason we have merchandise is primarily as a thank you to all the wonderful fundraisers and the phenomenal amount of money they raise, and also because we get a significant number of people who request it. Generally it's incredibly popular and as such it’s something we supply simply because of the demand for it- however, we do not have a Mullets for Mental Health merchandise shop for participants and supporters. This is to avoid mass production and help meet our sustainability efforts, reduce campaign costs and pass on more funds raised to our crucial mental health research and support services. We completely understand that not everyone will want merchandise, which is why we have created a ‘claim’ system to minimise waste and avoid overproduction by only sending it to those who request it as part of their fundraising journey. An email is sent when a target is hit and participants must request that their item is sent. This means they only get sent to those who want them. If you’re not keen to receive any merchandise on your fundraising journey, please don’t feel you have to.